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About FoDT

Friends of DramaTech is the alumni association for DramaTech Theater. Our goal is to support the student members financially, professionally, and socially so that they can further the theater’s mission.

Latest Updates

FoDT 2024 Capital Campaign

Thank you to everyone who has donated so far! We have raised $2,000 out of our $7,000 goal. We still have a ways to go, so if you have been delaying donating, this is a friendly reminder that the campaign ends May 31, 2024. There are only 2.5 months left to donate. Here is the contribution link: Contribute If you didn’t see the original campaign kick-off email, you can read the text here.


FoDT Awards 3 Scholarships

During DramaTech’s annual banquet, FoDT awarded three scholarships to current Georgia Tech students. The Dave Clark Scholarship went to a rising sophomore, active in improv, set construction, and acting. The Gay Dull Scholarship went to a rising junior, active in improv, tap dancing, stage management, design, and theatre leadership. And the Greg Abbott Scholarship went to a rising senior, active in improv, acting, tap dancing, sound design, and theatre leadership.

Gay Dull Scholarship Endowed

Friends of DramaTech, the Georgia Tech Foundation, and the Georgia Institute of Technology today approved the paperwork endowing the Gay Dull Scholarship, ensuring FoDT will be able to award this scholarship to DramaTech students in perpetuity.